From Individual to Collective Qualities of Attention in Dynamic Work Settings: Learning Barriers to the Development of Collective Mindful Attention

  • Evelyne Rouby Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, GREDEG, France
  • Catherine Thomas Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, GREDEG, France
Keywords: Dynamic work settings, Mindful attention, Mindfulness, Learning, Qualities of attention


In dynamic work settings, developing a collective mindful attention is crucial but challenging. It can be achieved through learning. However, the relationships between mindful attention and learning are complex and recursive. Mindful attention is both the prerequisite and the outcome of learning. Based on a single case study of a cement plant, we build an inductive model that clarifies these relationships and highlights three learning barriers. Our paper makes two contributions to theory. First, we extend the knowledge on the complex relationships between mindful attention and learning by identifying two different learning circles. Second, by providing a better understanding of the learning barriers, we stress the pivotal role of superstitious learning in preventing the development of mindful and collective attention.


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How to Cite
Rouby E., & Thomas C. (2023). From Individual to Collective Qualities of Attention in Dynamic Work Settings: Learning Barriers to the Development of Collective Mindful Attention. M@n@gement, 26(2), 1-16.
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