Theory Development

87 Items

Because theory provides the base for knowledge and understanding, theory building is essential to science.
More, theory development is highly important in management as it is a relatively young field of study, in comparison to many other social science disciplines (Hitt & Smith, 2005).
As new field of study, theories new theories are unique tools to understand management phenomena.

Much of theories used in management are based on oldest social sciences disciplines like economy, sociology, psychology, etc. Nevertheless, new management theories have been developed. But, even if have a good idea of what is a theory, is more difficult to define the process by which a theory is developed.

In fact, we know little about the process of theory development. However, some agree with Popper (1959) that theory is based on deductive falsification using conjecture and refutation. Yet, many others researchers think that theory can be developed by induction based on observation (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).

Anyway, theories are constantly revised as new knowledge is discovered through research.

It is possible to distinguish three stages of theory development in any new science:
1.  Speculative – The aim is, in this stage, to attempt to explain what is happening.
2. Descriptive – The aim is to gather descriptive data to describe what is really happening.
3. Constructive – The aim is to revise old theories and develops new ones based on continuing research.

At the end of the process, it is necessary to judge the result of the process.
Two key dimensions seem to be crucial along which the notion “value added contribution”: originality of the insights and utility (Corley & Gioia, 2011). To be a theory development journal, by publishing articles which challenge and extend existing knowledge, is one of the mission of M@n@gement.

The contribution (i.e. the originality) is based on the potential contribution of the articulated new insights (Smith, 1997).
Two ways are possible to obtain originality:
- by offering a critical redirection of existing theories 
- by offering a new point of view.

Regarding the utility dimension, theories must have the potential to improve the research practice and/or the managerial practice.


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