Call for papers – Special Issue “Delivering Sustainability through Ecosystem Innovation”
Guest Editors:
Emmanuel Josserand (EMLV Business School, Paris & University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia, Jingshu Du (EMLV Business School, Paris,, Thibaut Bardon (Audencia Business School,, Pierre-Jean Barlatier (EDHEC Business School,, Philippe Hermel (UVSQ - Paris Saclay University & Georgetown University, Washington D.C. The United States,, Émilie Ruiz (Savoie Mont Blanc University,
The generalization of open innovation and the associated plasticity of organizational boundaries, the increasing importance of alliances, networks, platforms, crowds, social media, the mobility of highly-skilled talents, as well as the ever-expanding role of technology and innovation in shaping and reshaping our organizational lives (Augier & Teece, 2008; Du et al., 2014; Barlatier et al., 2023), all point to the emergence of a hyper-connected world, begging for a better understanding of the problem-driven work that takes place at the intersection of firms and ecosystems – rather than its individual components – as the unit of analysis (Davis & Marquis, 2005). As such, adopting an ecosystem view (Jacobides et al., 2018) contributes to finding new (cross-disciplinary, cross-boundary) opportunities and solving grand challenges (George et al., 2016).
At the same time, sustainability concerns have never been so pronounced. Practitioners, communities, environmental activists, all cry for attention and solutions to a green(er) and more sustainable world – in other words, an ecologically centered (or "ecocentric") inter-organizational relations and internal management activities (Shrivastava, 1995), or the "sustaincentrism" (Gladwin et al., 1995). This concern intersects with the social dimension of corporate responsibility, pointing to the need to ensure a just transition where the social and the environmental issues are reconciled. Tackling such challenges requires a shift in our level of analysis from a focus on the firm and its collaborations to that of ecosystems and their ability to deliver innovations in a more sustainably way (Davis & Marquis, 2005).
In view of the sustainability challenges that organizations and our society are facing, we need more research to understand better how innovation ecosystems can deliver on environmental and social sustainability. Against this backdrop, we devote this special issue to the important topic of delivering sustainability through ecosystem innovation and solicit original contributions to address relevant issues. We welcome a variety of research methods, theories, and concepts. We are not only interested in research on individuals, organizations, crowds and communities that are creating and developing innovation ecosystems, but also that are influenced by innovation ecosystems and modern technologies.
The full CfP can be found here: xxx - an embedded weblink on the M@n@gement website directing to the full CfP
Important Dates
- Extended Abstracts or full paper for consideration for the PDW (Paper Development Workshop): July 1, 2024
- Full manuscript due: November 1, 2024
If you have an idea for a possible paper that may fit this call and would like to discuss it initially, do not hesitate in contacting one of the guest editors.
Please submit your manuscript through the journal's online submission system ( You will need to create a user account if you do not already have one, and you must select the appropriate Special Issue at the 'Manuscript Type' stage. The Special Issue Editors will handle all manuscripts in accordance with the journal's policies and procedures; they expect authors to follow the journal's submission guidelines (
Read more about Call for papers – Special Issue “Delivering Sustainability through Ecosystem Innovation”