Method Development

19 Items

A research dictates the kinds of research methodologies necessary to underpin the research question and methods in order to collect data.

If existing methodologies may be appropriate in most cases, sometimes, it is necessary to develop the existing ones in order to improve the available tool. Indeed, methodological development aims at improving research methodology and statistical methods in order to more deeply answer research questions.

For example, the growth in qualitative as well as quantitative data archiving, need to continuously develop robust methodological account reflecting on the challenges of data production and the implications of these for potential conclusions.

IT Progress also allows developing statistical tools. Some evolutions in the way to do research imply epistemological changes or development too.

Specific domain and topics: epistemology, experimental and nonexperimental research design, survey research, ethnography, evaluative research, measurement development and evaluation, construct validation, statistical modeling, scholarly writing and publication, etc.



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