Why and where do academics publish?

  • William H. Starbuck University of Oregon & New York University


Social and behavioral research is a complex activity that takes place in an ambiguous environment. This environment is more ambiguous than most researchers are aware, and it is changing more rapidly than most researchers realize. In fact, focused on their own activities and struggling with the very unclear messages from their environments, most researchers have very limited perspectives on what has been and is happening. This essay describes some current and important issues that confront social and behavioral researchers1. Although I expose my personal opinions, I do not aim to convince readers that these opinions are necessarily correct. Rather, I hope to stimulate reflection and discussion.


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How to Cite
Starbuck W. H. (2019). Why and where do academics publish?. M@n@gement, 16(5), 707-718. Retrieved from https://management-aims.com/index.php/mgmt/article/view/4015
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