Mal du Siècle. From the Disenchanted Youth of the Romantic Age to the Disillusionment of Today’s Young Graduates

Keywords: Young graduates, Organisational absurdity, Romanticism, Literature, Crisis of meaning


Organisational absurdity is an emerging field of study in management sciences. Often described in conceptual terms in the existing literature as a loss of meaning arising from the collapsing frontiers of rationality, there have been few attempts to engage empirically with this absurdity, particularly from the perspective of new recruits joining organisations, and more specifically those who have recently completed their studies. Our research seeks to explore the ways in which young graduates respond to organisational absurdity and its consequences. To do this, we use an original empirical approach, which has been recognised elsewhere as a pertinent means of tackling absurdity, namely, fictional analysis. We thus propose an analogy between today’s young graduates and the young Romantics of the 19th century, invoking a number of literary references for heuristic ends, in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon in question. Now as in centuries past, upon coming face-to-face with absurdity, a considerable number of young people respond by retreating from their professional responsibilities. This state of affairs is illustrated by a series of 35 interviews, revealing a profound sense of disenchantment, which, in many cases, can lead young professionals to turn inwards and withdraw from their professional environments. In the face of this distress, our research invites organisations to rethink the way they manage young graduates.


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Author Biographies

Thomas Simon, Montpellier Business School, Montpellier, France

Thomas Simon, assistant professor in human resource management (HRM), joined Montpellier Business School (MBS) in September 2022. He holds a PhD in management science from ESCP Business School and four master’s degrees in management science (emlyon business school and Lyon III University), philosophy and modern literature (Paris Nanterre University). Before joining MBS, he was an adjunct professor at ESCP Business School (Paris campus). His research focuses on various subjects at the crossroads of management and humanities: boredom, absurd situations in companies, role-playing and stupidity in organisations.

Marion Cina, LEST CNRS, Aix-en-Provence, France

Marion Cina holds a PhD in management science from Aix-Marseille University (AMU). She is currently a member of the Laboratory of Economics and Sociology of Work (LEST-CNRS) in Aix-en-Provence. Her research draws on the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis to explore creativity in organisations.

Xavier Philippe, Laboratoire MÉTIS, EM Normandie, Caen, France

Xavier Philippe holds a PhD in sociology of work (CNAM – ESCP Business School) and is associate professor at EM Normandie Business School (METIS Laboratory) since 2015. He is mainly interested in the way contemporary organisations deal with the issue of “real” work, beyond the multiple prescriptions and injunctions to perform to which employees are subjected. His research focuses on work as a situated practice, on art as an analyser of work practices and on contemporary craft ethics.

How to Cite
Simon T., Cina M., & Philippe X. (2024). Mal du Siècle. From the Disenchanted Youth of the Romantic Age to the Disillusionment of Today’s Young Graduates. M@n@gement.
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