How Management Situations Change Dispositives : Public Management in the case of Animal Epidemics
Against a backdrop of change in the French public health governance system, this article examines the dynamics of public-sector dispositives in managing livestock epidemics, situations that are typically fraught with doubt and often lead to crises of governance (‘mad cow’ disease, ‘bird flu’, foot-and-mouth, etc.). In such complex, interorganizational situations, marked by uncertainty and tight management time frames, fresh organizational and managerial activity is constantly required, making it a challenging task to characterize and understand the dynamics of the management dispositives that are activated along the way.
In order to produce a detailed and dynamic mapping of dispositives, we draw on the theoretical framework of ‘dispositional analysis’, developed by recent rereadings of Michel Foucault’s concept of the dispositive. To this, we bring the micro and situated perspective of the ‘day-to-day administering of lives’, introducing Jacques Girin’s concept of the ‘management situation’. We thus hypothesize that management situations are sites of intensive dispositive recombination and offer a useful interpretive frame for dispositive dynamics. Our methodology is based on a longitudinal and comparative analysis of three animal health disease management situations in a particular region (a health crisis, the reemergence of a disease, and an endemic disease situation).
Our analysis reveals an architecture of health dispositives whose relationships change as the management situation evolves. Three modes of recombination are identified, produced through the mechanisms of problematization (reformulating the problem) and stakeholder participation. This article makes visible the complex links between the evolution of the situations and the dynamics of the dispositives and provides food for thought in building a more robust governance of public animal health problems, combining situational and planning approaches.
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