A Tribute to Roland Calori’s Scholarly Legacy, 20 Years Later

Testimonies and memories by Tugrul Atamer, Rodolphe Durand and Philippe Very, coordinated by Philippe Monin

  • Tugrul Atamer emlyon business school, Ecully, France
  • Rodolphe Durand HEC Paris, Jouy-en-Josas, France
  • Philippe Monin Skema Business School, Paris, France
  • Philippe Very EDHEC Business School, Nice, France


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Since we cannot list all of Roland’s publications, we opted for presenting the 30 most cited ones in descending order, below.

Calori, R., Johnson, G. & Sarnin, P. (1994). CEOs’ cognitive maps and the scope of the organization. Strategic Management Journal, 15(6), 437–457. doi: 10.1002/smj.4250150603

Calori, R. & Sarnin, P. (1991). Corporate culture and economic performance: A French study. Organization studies, 12(1), 49–74. doi: 10.1177/017084069101200104

Very, P., Lubatkin, M., Calori, R. & Veiga, J. (1998). Relative standing and the performance of recently acquired European firms. Strategic Management Journal, 18(8), 593–614. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199709) 18:8%3C593::AID-SMJ899%3E3.0.CO;2-I

Calori, R., Lubatkin, M. & Very, P. (1994). Control mechanisms in cross-border acquisitions: An international comparison. Organization Studies. 15(3), 361–379. doi: 10.1177/017084069401500303

Lubatkin, M., Calori, R., Very, P. & Veiga, J. (1998). Managing mergers across borders: A two-nation exploration of a nationally bound administrative heritage. Organization Science, 19(6), 625–753. doi: 10.1287/orsc.9.6.670

Veiga, J., Lubatkin, M., Calori, R. & Very, P. (2000). Research note measuring organizational culture clashes: A two-nation post-hoc analysis of a cultural compatibility index. Human Relations, 53(4), 539–557. doi: 10.1177/0018726700534004

Calori, R., Lubatkin, M., Very, P. & Veiga, J. (1997). Modelling the origins of nationally bound administrative heritages: A historical institutional analysis of French and British firms. Organization Science, 8(6), 563–709. doi: 10.1287/orsc.8.6.681

Calori, R. & De Woot, P. (1994). A European management model: Beyond diversity. Prentice Hall.

Calori, R (1998). Essay: Philosophizing on strategic management models. Organization Studies, 19(2), 281–306. doi: 10.1177/017084069801900206

Calori, R., Johnson, G. & Sarnin, P. (1992). French and British top managers’ understanding of the structure and the dynamics of their industries: A cognitive analysis and comparison. British Journal of Management, 3(2), 61–78. doi: 10.1111/j.1467–8551.1992.tb00036.x

Durand, R. & Calori, R. (2006). Sameness, otherness? Enriching organizational change theories with philosophical considerations on the same and the other. Academy of Management Review, 31(1), 93–114. doi: 10.5465/amr.2006.19379626

Schweiger, D. M., Atamer, T. & Calori, R. (2003). Transnational project teams and networks: Making the multinational organization more effective. Journal of World Business, 38(2), 127–140. doi: 10.1016/S1090-9516(03)00006-3

Calori, R., Atamer, T. & Nunes, P. (2000) (online 2013). The dynamics of international competition: From practice to theory. Sage Publications.

Bloom, H., Calori, R. & De Woot, P. (1994). Euro-management: A new style for the global market. Insights from Europe’s business leaders. Kogan Page Publishers.

Calori, R. (2002). Organizational development and the ontology of creative dialectical evolution. Organization, 9(1), 127–150. doi: 10.1177/1350508402009001352

Calori, R. & Dufour, B. (1995). Management european style. Academy of Management Perspectives, 9(3), 61–71. doi: 10.5465/ame.1995.9509210286

Calori, R. (1989). Designing a business scanning system. Long Range Planning, 22(1), 69–82. doi: 10.1016/0024-6301(89)90053-8

Calori, R. (2000). Ordinary theorists in mixed industries. Organization Studies, 21(6), 1031–1057. doi: 10.1177/0170840600216001

Calori, R., Melin, L., Atamer, T. & Gustavsson, P. (2000). Innovative international strategies. Journal of World Business, 35(4), 333–354. doi: 10.1016/S1090-9516(00)00042-0

Calori, R., Atamer, T. & Dufour, B. (1989). L’action stratégique : Le management transformateur. Editions d’ organisation.

Calori, R. & Lawrence, P. A. (1991). The business of Europe: Managing change. Sage Publications.

Calori, R. (1985). Effective strategies in emerging industries. Long Range Planning, 18(3), 55–61. doi: 10.1016/0024-6301(85)90156-6

Calori, R. & Atamer, T. (1990). How French managers deal with radical change? Long Range Planning, 23(6), 44–55. doi: 10.1016/0024-6301(90)90101-9

Calori, R. (2003). Philosophie et développement organisationnel : dialectique, agir communicationnel, délibération et dialogue. Revue Française de Gestion, 23(1), 13–41. https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-gestion-2003-1-page-13.htm

Veiga, J. F., Lubatkin, M., Calori, R., Very, P. & Tung, T. A. (2000). Using neural network analysis to uncover the trace effects of national culture. Journal of International Business Studies, 31, 223–238. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8490903

Calori, R. (1988). How successful companies manage diverse businesses. Long Range Planning, 21(3), 80–89. doi: 10.1016/0024-6301(88)90037-4

Atamer, T. & Calori, R. ([1993]2011). Diagnostic et décisions stratégiques. Dunod.

Calori, R., Atamer, T. & Nunes, P. (2000). International competition in mixed industries. Long Range Planning, 33(3), 349–375. doi: 10.1016/S0024-6301(00)00038-8

Calori, R. (2003). Essay: Real time/real space research: Connecting action and reflection in organization studies. Metamorphosis, 22(1–2), 13–20. doi: 10.1177/0972622520030102

Calori, R. (2002). Stretching toward philosophy and toward practical knowledge. Metamorphosis, 1(1), 87–91. doi: 10.1177/0972622520020106

How to Cite
Atamer T., Durand R., Monin P., & Very P. (2022). A Tribute to Roland Calori’s Scholarly Legacy, 20 Years Later: Testimonies and memories by Tugrul Atamer, Rodolphe Durand and Philippe Very, coordinated by Philippe Monin. M@n@gement, 25(2), 77-82. https://doi.org/10.37725/mgmt.v25.8700