Open-access Management Research at a Turning Point: Giving Relevance to a Stigmatized Object

  • Thibault Daudigeos Grenoble Ecole de Management, Univ Grenoble Alpes ComUE
  • Thomas J. Roulet Judge Business School & Girton College, U. of Cambridge


In this short piece, we start by briefly discussing why the model chosen by M@n@gement – free-to-submit, free-to-publish and free-to-read – remains a relevant template, indeed perhaps more relevant today than ever. Despite these assets, our model must compete with other open-access outlets, and contend with negative perceptions, on the part of academics and the general public, of the distance taken by research from its practical impact. We discuss this multidimensional stigma and consider how we, as a community of management researchers, can overcome these challenges to make open-access research sustainable and impactful. M@n@gement is 20 years old. It was founded in an age when the role of the internet and the digital aspects of our lives were still a novelty. At that time the “at” symbol (arobase in French), was as fashionable as the latest pair of sneakers. Yet nowadays, we are told that the name of the journal is pretty uncool, to which we answer that it is the new trend that is oldfashioned. In fact, reminding colleagues of the arobase is very useful for helping them recall the journal. It does not make us less proud to work every day for the ideal at the origin of the journal. Former editors, authors and reviewers can be proud of M@n@gement as it now takes stock of 20 years of research and notable contributions in the areas of organization theory, strategy and international business (Renaud & Maucuer, this issue). Does all of this mean that the journal has reached the age of reason?


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How to Cite
Daudigeos T., & Roulet T. J. (2018). Open-access Management Research at a Turning Point: Giving Relevance to a Stigmatized Object. M@n@gement, 21(4), 1178-1185. Retrieved from
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