Unplugged - Academic Non Fiction The dinner: How can we explain management research just before dessert?

  • François-Xavier de Vaujany Université Paris Dauphine


Creative non fiction in journalism uses narrative means from fiction to highlight dramatic tensions of reality and thus put the subjectivity of authors at the heart of the writing process to approach unfolding experience and practice from ordinary people. Life of academics is punctuated with astonishing, ordinary, ceremonial or dramatics scenes which sometimes take place in liminal spaces but may constitutes a core social piece of the research practice. The unplugged “academic non fiction” section is dedicated to share these moments.


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How to Cite
de Vaujany F.-X. (2016). Unplugged - Academic Non Fiction The dinner: How can we explain management research just before dessert?. M@n@gement, 19(4), 330-334. Retrieved from https://management-aims.com/index.php/mgmt/article/view/3882