Public/private negotiation and strategic co-evolution in a biocluster

  • Isabelle Leroux GRANEM – UMR MA 49 Université d’Angers et Agrocampus Ouest, UFR Droit Economie Gestion
  • Alain Berro IRIT-UT1, UMR 5505, CNRS, Université de Toulouse
Keywords: Cluster, biotechnology, co-evolution, adaptative complexe system


Clusters are characterised by partnership practices that lead to a high level of competitiveness. However some of them encounter coordination difficulties due to conflicts over the appropriation of collective gains. This is more specifically the case of bioclusters because of their sectoral particularities and because of the different public policies that apply. Stemming from an analysis of conflicts at stake in a biocluster, this article aims at bringing to light how firms and institutions strategies emerge and co-evolve as their actions are characterised by divergent interests. According to an evolutionary perspective, we propose an exploratory simulation leading to an analysis of the mutual adaptation dynamics developed by the agents involved. The results show on the one hand that firms adjust their bargaining strategies according to uncertainty and to their perception of the gains which might be generated at the collective level. On the other hand, the model shows that local authorities can play a regulatory part in the game. This exploratory research provides insight into management public modalities so as to generate cooperation and innovation within bioclusters.


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How to Cite
Leroux I., & Berro A. (2010). Public/private negotiation and strategic co-evolution in a biocluster. M@n@gement, 13(1), 38 - 69. Retrieved from
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