Bruno Dyck (2013), Management and the Gospel: Luke's Radical Message for the First and Twenty-First Centuries. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

  • Yvonne Smith University of La Verne
Keywords: Management and Jesus, Radical messages of Jesus, 1st-century management, Kingdom of God


This book is a masterful analysis of Jesus’ radical ideas regarding managers and management. These ideas, when understood in the context of the Greco-Roman management system, present transformational possibilities for 21st century managers. A change model that utilizes Jesus’ ideas and his discussion about the Kingdom of God frames the book.


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How to Cite
Smith Y. (2019). Bruno Dyck (2013), Management and the Gospel: Luke’s Radical Message for the First and Twenty-First Centuries. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. M@n@gement, 16(3), 341-348. Retrieved from
Book Review