Double Rule and Multiple Roles: A Structural Principle for Successful Interorganizational Collaboration

  • Miry Levin-Rozalis Ben Gourion University of the Negev, Department of Education
  • Dorit Tubin Ben Gourion University of the Negev, Department of Education


This paper deals with the special structure of a particular example of interorganizational cooperation (IOC), a structure that helps to overcome many of the problems found in an IOC, thereby enabling it to function smoothly and to achieve its goals. This study is a case analysis in which we examine the underlying issues, relationships and causes that can be generalized beyond the case. The main finding is the structural principle of double rule and multiple roles in which, for every individual within the IOC, there are several formal decision-making positions —i.e., several roles— at different hierarchical levels. The advantage of this unique structure and its contributions to the success of this example of IOC are discussed.


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How to Cite
Levin-Rozalis M., & Tubin D. (2005). Double Rule and Multiple Roles: A Structural Principle for Successful Interorganizational Collaboration. M@n@gement, 8(4), 105-122. Retrieved from