From the Leader’s Values to Organizational Values: Toward a Dynamic and Experimental View on Value Work in SMEs

  • Ludivine Adla Grenoble IAE, Grenoble INP, CERAG, Grenoble Alpes University, France
  • Marie Eyquem-Renault IAE Lyon School of Management, Magellan Research Center, University of Lyon, France
  • Virginie Gallego-Roquelaure IAE Lyon School of Management, Magellan Research Center, University of Lyon, France
Keywords: Value-based organizations, Value-based leadership, Organizational value, SME


In this article, we contribute to empirically account for Selznick’s argument about the moral competence of organizations by showing the ways an organization collectively thinks, acts, feels and expresses needs (Callon, 2006) related to its desirable ends. These are related to the socio-technical arrangements processing the values work. Made up of devices, actors, and social groups, the socio-technical arrangements are brought into existence by means of material embodiments of values in artifacts. Considering the case of a leader who has founded a firm in the social and solidarity sector in order to implement his personal values, we contribute to better understanding value-based leadership. We trace how this leader’s values are progressively and collectively materialized into artifacts that create new relationships in which the organization’s desirable ends are to be met. Adopting a relational and processual view on values work, we trace the evolution of this socio-technical arrangement to maintain or restore the implementation of organizational values in an evolving context, contributing to a dynamic view on organizational values.

Manuscript accepted by Jeremy Morales


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Author Biographies

Ludivine Adla, Grenoble IAE, Grenoble INP, CERAG, Grenoble Alpes University, France

Ludivine Adla is Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship at Grenoble Alpes University, France. She receives a PhD in Management Science from Lyon University, France, in 2018. Her thesis has been rewarded twice. Her research interests include Human Resource Management and Innovation in SMEs. Her work has been published through book, research articles, conferences at the national and international level.

Marie Eyquem-Renault, IAE Lyon School of Management, Magellan Research Center, University of Lyon, France

Marie Eyquem-Renault is Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship at Lyon University, France. Her research focuses on the pragmatist analysis of devices and sociotechnical arrangements in innovation and entrepreneurship. She holds a PhD in Socioeconomics of Innovation from Mines ParisTech, France, in 2011. She is the director of the Entrepreneurship Center of Lyon University. Her work has been published through book, research articles in Research Policy and international conferences.

Virginie Gallego-Roquelaure, IAE Lyon School of Management, Magellan Research Center, University of Lyon, France

Virginie Gallego-Roquelaure is Professor in Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship at Lyon University, France. Her research interests include Human Resource Management, Innovation and Internationalisation in SMEs. She holds a PhD in Management Science from Montpellier University, France, in 2009. She is the author of three books, book chapters and has published in the Employee Relations, Personnel Review, Journal of International Entrepreneurship and International Management.


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1. We draw upon Dewey’s Later Works to get a broader picture of his writings. Later Works, 1925–1953, 17 volumes, Boydston Jo Ann (Ed.), Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 1981–1990.

How to Cite
Adla L., Eyquem-Renault M., & Gallego-Roquelaure V. (2020). From the Leader’s Values to Organizational Values: Toward a Dynamic and Experimental View on Value Work in SMEs. M@n@gement, 23(1), 81-101.
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