The Role of Joint Dynamics in the Evolution of Alternative Market Categories. A Sociohistorical Approach to Independent Music

Keywords: Category dynamics, Categorisation, Alternative market category, Independent music, Sociohistorical approach


This paper contributes to the understanding of market categorisation processes. More specifically, it analyses the evolution of the independent music category, characterised as a fuzzy category by its instability and as an alternative category by its power relations with the dominant mainstream music category. Based on a sociohistorical approach, we show how external forces such as boundary reconfigurations on the one hand and internal forces such as tension around category representations on the other shape the definition and evolution of the independent music market category. Our findings show the joint action of these dynamics in the emergence and evolution of alternative categories. They highlight the interest of simultaneously examining these multiple dynamics and their relationships in the study of market categories. Our paper also reveals the strategic and ideological issues associated with the alternative – mainstream dialectic, which constitutes a key factor in the structuring and evolution of many other industries.



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Author Biographies

Boris Collet, IREGE (EA 2426), Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Chambéry, France

Boris Collet is an assistant professor at the University Savoie Mont-Blanc. His research interests are in market dynamics, alternative consumption cultures and the transformations of consumer culture in the Anthropocene. Contexts for this work have included music, arts, and environmentalism, which he investigate using ethnographic and historical methods.

Éric Rémy, LGCO (URU 7416), Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

Éric Rémy is a professor at the University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier where he leads the LGCO management sciences research unit. His research interests are in the area of Consumer culture theory focusing primarily on different consumer cultures to understand and facilitate change in practices related to the Anthropocene. His work has been published in various journals including Consumption, Markets & Culture, European Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Management.

Baptiste Cléret, IAE, NIMEC (EA 969), Université de Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan cedex, France

Baptiste Cléret is an assistant professor in marketing and consumer behavior at the University of Rouen Normandie. His research are part of Consumer culture theory and socio-cultural approaches to consumption. His work focuses on various themes such as consumption and cultural production, consumer cultures and popular culture. His interpretive methodological approach is based on ethnography and videography.


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How to Cite
Collet B., Rémy Éric, & Cléret B. (2023). The Role of Joint Dynamics in the Evolution of Alternative Market Categories. A Sociohistorical Approach to Independent Music. M@n@gement, 26(4), 83-100.
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