Toward a Discursive Approach to the Hybridization of Practice: Insights from the Case of Servitization in France

  • Olivier Cristofini Sorbonne Business School, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France
Keywords: Discourse, Descending hierarchical classification, Theorization, Hybrid organizing, Hybrid organizations


Hybrid practices incorporate conflicting institutional logics and are recognized for their capacity to cope with societal problems. Previous literature has concentrated on the hybridization mechanisms inherent in organizations. This focus on an entity has diverted attention away from equivalent mechanisms that operate in wider social systems – specifically, in organizational fields. In this article, I show how discourses can enable such mechanisms. To that end, descending hierarchical classifications were performed on media outlets to study the discourse on the emergence of servitization in France. The results reveal two original mechanisms enabled by discourses and supporting the hybridization of the practice under study: (1) practice renaming and (2) the pivotal role played by the institutional logic of environmental protection. Based on these results, I propose a model detailing how institutional logics and discourses interact to bring about a hybrid practice. This model offers original insights to develop knowledge on hybrid organizing and promote practices that realign business goals with those associated with social welfare and preservation of the natural environment.


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How to Cite
Cristofini O. (2021). Toward a Discursive Approach to the Hybridization of Practice: Insights from the Case of Servitization in France. M@n@gement, 24(2), 23-47.
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