From One Place to Another – Place Attendance as Resources for Innovators

  • Étienne Capron Mosaic – Pôle Créativité Et Innovation, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada; and Groupe de Recherche Angevin en Economie et Management (Granem), Universite D’angers, Angers, France
  • Raphaël Suire Mosaic – Pôle Créativité Et Innovation, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada; Laboratoire d’économie et de management Nantes-Atlantique (Lemna), IAE Nantes; and Chemin de la Censive du Tertre, Nantes, France
Keywords: Places, Innovation, Creative industries, Preferential circulations, Montreal


Despite a growing interest for places in management research, it remains unclear how the attendance of multiple places by innovators contributes to the innovation process. We propose a new perspective in which innovators attend distinct places that provide them plural resources, and that it is their combination that supports innovation. Based on this proposition, we study the case of projection mapping in Montreal (Canada) as an illustration for creative and cultural industries. We show that the number and types of places attended evolves in the different stages of the innovation process, and that actors are not homogeneous in their attendance. These evolutions are captured with the concept of preferential circulations we introduce to capture the patterns of attendance of places by innovators. Through this, we offer a new lens to the study and the management of innovation through places.


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Author Biographies

Étienne Capron, Mosaic – Pôle Créativité Et Innovation, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada; and Groupe de Recherche Angevin en Economie et Management (Granem), Universite D’angers, Angers, France

Étienne Capron is post‑doctoral researcher at Mosaic – pôle créativité et innovation, HEC Montréal, and associate researcher at the Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie créative et mieux‑être. His research focuses on the spatial dimension of organizational and innovation processes, particularly in the arts.

Raphaël Suire, Mosaic – Pôle Créativité Et Innovation, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada; Laboratoire d’économie et de management Nantes-Atlantique (Lemna), IAE Nantes; and Chemin de la Censive du Tertre, Nantes, France

Raphaël Suire is professor of innovation management at IAE, Nantes University, researcher at Lemna (Laboratoire d’économie et de management Nantes-Atlantique) and associate researcher at Mosaic – pôle créativité et innovation, HEC Montréal. His research focuses on the analysis of the spatial and social determinants of innovation and creativity, with particular attention to the production of novelty in a digital context.


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How to Cite
Capron Étienne, & Suire R. (2024). From One Place to Another – Place Attendance as Resources for Innovators. M@n@gement, 27(5), 82-99.
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