‘I’d Give My Right Arm to Be Ambidextrous’: Exploration Unit Managers Facing Competing Demands for Differentiation and Integration

Keywords: Exploration, Paradoxical tensions, Differentiation, Integration;, Structural ambidexterity, Innovation labs


This paper examines how managers of internal exploration units – also labeled as innovation labs – address the competing demands of differentiation and integration over time, and the implications for their unit’s ability to execute its intended exploration strategy. Based on a longitudinal study of four exploration units implemented by established firms, we find that their managers face two types of undocumented paradoxical tensions: one related to the evolution of the mandated charter and the other related to the implementation of the performance management system. In response, we show that exploration unit managers adopt four balancing patterns to face these paradoxical tensions: decoupling, conforming, promoting, and synchronizing. These patterns consist of specific combinations of differentiating and/or integrating practices. Drawing on paradox research, we show how each pattern facilitates or impedes the pursuit of the unit’s intended exploration strategy. Our research contributes to the development of a more integrative and systemic understanding of the locus of structural ambidexterity and how it is pursued in practice, and to current debates about the different types of responses adopted when faced with paradoxes. Finally, we provide managerial insights into the management of exploration units and innovation labs within established firms.


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Author Biographies

Cylien Gibert, TSM-Research, Toulouse School of Management, Université Toulouse Capitole, CNRS, Toulouse, France

Cylien Gibert is an associate professor in strategic management at Toulouse School of Management, and a member of the TSM-Research research laboratory. His work focuses on the processes involved in legitimizing innovation activities, and more specifically on the strategic, organizational and human issues at stake. Cylien Gibert mainly uses qualitative longitudinal methods based on in situ observation to understand the research fields he studies, in particular innovation labs.

Sihem BenMahmoud-Jouini, GREGHEC, HEC Paris, i3-CRG, École Polytechnique, CNRS, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Jouy-en-Josas, France

Sihem BenMahmoud-Jouini is an associate professor at HEC Paris and member of Groupement de recherche et d’études en gestion à HEC (GREGHEC). Her research focuses on organizational design for innovation and creativity, strategic management of innovation, entrepreneurship and design management. Her work was published in Creativity and Innovation Management, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Management international and Project Management Journal, among other journals. Her latest co-edited book is Transform with Design: Creating New Innovation Capabilities with Design Thinking, published by University of Toronto Press. She has developed her work at i3-CRG, École polytechnique, where she is associate researcher.

How to Cite
Gibert C., & BenMahmoud-Jouini S. (2024). ‘I’d Give My Right Arm to Be Ambidextrous’: Exploration Unit Managers Facing Competing Demands for Differentiation and Integration. M@n@gement, e9627. https://doi.org/10.37725/mgmt.2024.9627
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